28 February 2009

Si te quieres sentir protagonista

Members of the public will stand as live statues in Trafalgar Square‘s empty fourth plinth in artist Antony Gormley‘s project One and Other.

Off their trolley

artichokeltd.com offer us the chance to bag a Bansky for just 1p.

22 February 2009

Antony - The Creek

In addition to his new album, The Crying Light, we can see now in London an exhibition of his own art. His work has the same mix of fantasy and vulnerability as his music. It's at the beautiful gallery Isis

14 February 2009

Amazing Kate

I've seen lately Revolutionary Road and The Reader both films performed by Kate Winslet. Her acting was superb and I enjoyed the pictures regardless its depressing tone.
Ufff...El elogiar a Kate y no a Pe me va a costar una buena reprimenda por parte de mi querido Edgard.

13 February 2009

Venice Suite

These collage prints by Peter Blake are part of a projected series based on iconic cities.
I have a weakness for this artist,often cited as the father of British Pop Art, since I met him several times at the school where I work when his daughter was studying there. That's why I went to see the exhibition at Paul Stolper gallery.

10 February 2009

Penn es "la leche"

Sean Penn esta sublime interpretando al activista gay Harvey Milk. La pelicula quiza da una vision demasiado romantica del leader pero se hace un buen trato historico de la epoca de la revolucion gay en San Francisco en la que Milk desarrolla su carrera politica.

8 February 2009


You haven't seem them yet? Then you are lucky because the burlesque cabaret sow, La Clique, has been extended until April at he Hippodrome. Quirky fun.

La Clique

4 February 2009

London melts

We get back to normal. Well...almost. After tree days my road is still quite slippery. And yesterday this poor swan was struggling to make his way through the ice in Kensington Park lake.

2 February 2009

White London

The heaviest snowfall in 18 years disrupts London travel.
Hundreds of schools closed. Yupi!!!

From my window

The year of the Ox begins

Crowds gather in Chinatown to celebrate the Chinese New Year.