27 February 2010

The man who saw the beauty of colour

Whenever I go to the Victoria Miro Gallery I am late so I really needed to run because it was the last day of the exhibition William Eggleston: 21 st Century.
Fortunately I managed to arrive on time to see these fascinating prints, images of ordinary and mundane subjects that under his gaze are endowed with powerful significance.

19 February 2010

Se nos fué

Luisa, la más dicharachera.

"En la intuición del amanecer se condensaba toda la intensidad de aquella noche inquieta, como en esas despedidas en las que una persona nos sonríe por ultima vez, preparada para convertirse en un recuerdo."
Para amantes y ladrones Pedro Zarraluki

4 February 2010

A Prophet

This tough, gripping French prison thriller combines a Goodfellas–­like scope with gritty, contemporary realism, as a young Arab inmate learns to survive and then trive, on the inside and outside.

1 February 2010

Clever and classy

Mad Men returns to UK screens. Season 3 starts tomorrow in BBC 2.
I can't wait!!!