23 September 2009

Fish Tank

After her darkly compulsive tale of surveillance and revenge in Glasgow, Andrea Arnold opens up the council estates of Essex, revealing the myriad ways in which they cramp but never entirely extinguish the spirit and imaginations of the people who live there. It delivers in spades attitude, humour, sadness, love, anger and hope – all wrapped up in a way of telling stories that is very much the director’s own. British film at its best.
(Y de ninguna manera verla doblada, please)

13 September 2009


Unlike yesterday's summery day today was ugly, grey, windy... To cheer myself up I went again to see Jeff Koons's Popeye Series. Contagious Happiness.

12 September 2009

Seguimos con las familias

I haven't been in the Riverside Studios for a while. Today double bill with two family dramas "Three monkeys" and "35 Shots of Rum". Good cinema, as you normally find there.